Kev faib cov Fasteners Part 1

1. Dab tsi yog fastener?

Fastenersyog ib lub ntsiab lus dav dav rau ib hom kev siv tshuab siv los txuas ob lossis ntau qhov (los yog cov khoom siv) rau hauv tag nrho.Kuj tseem hu ua cov khoom siv hauv kev lag luam.

2. Nws feem ntau suav nrog 12 hom nram qab no: Bolts, Studs, Screws, Ceev, Tapping Screws, Wood Screws, Washers, Retaining Rings, Pins, Rivets, Assemblies and Connections, Welding Studs.

(1) Bolt: Ib hom fastener uas muaj lub taub hau thiab lub hau ntswj (lub tog raj kheej nrog cov xov sab nraud), uas yuav tsum tau sib phim nrog cov txiv ntseej kom ceev thiab txuas ob feem nrog los ntawm qhov.Daim ntawv txuas no yog hu ua bolted kev twb kev txuas.Yog hais tias lub txiv ntseej yog unscrewed los ntawm lub bolt, ob qhov chaw tuaj yeem sib cais, yog li qhov kev sib txuas ntawm lub bolt yog ib qho kev sib txuas.

Raws li qhia hauv qab no:

1. What is a fastener?  Fasteners are a general term for a type of mechanical parts used to fasten two or more parts (or components) into a whole. Also known as standard parts in the market.  2. It usually includes the following 12 types of parts:  Bolts, Studs, Screws, Nuts, Tapping Screws, Wood Screws, Washers, Retaining Rings, Pins, Rivets, Assemblies and Connections, Welding Studs.  (1) Bolt: A type of fastener consisting of a head and a screw (a cylinder with an external thread), which needs to be matched with a nut to fasten and connect two parts with through holes. This form of connection is called a bolted connection. If the nut is unscrewed from the bolt, the two parts can be separated, so the bolt connection is a detachable connection.

(2) Stud: ib hom fastener tsis muaj lub taub hau, tsuas yog nrog cov xov sab nraud ntawm ob qhov kawg.Thaum sib txuas, ib qho kawg ntawm nws yuav tsum tau muab ntsia rau hauv ib feem nrog lub qhov threaded sab hauv, lwm qhov kawg yuav tsum dhau los ntawm ib feem nrog rau lub qhov, thiab tom qab ntawd ntsia hlau ntsia hlau, txawm tias ob qho tib si txuas nrog tag nrho.Daim ntawv ntawm kev sib txuas no yog hu ua stud kev twb kev txuas, uas kuj yog ib qho kev sib txuas detachable.Nws yog tsuas yog siv rau lub sijhawm uas ib qho ntawm cov khoom sib txuas yog tuab, yuav tsum muaj cov qauv sib txuas, lossis tsis haum rau kev sib txuas ntawm cov ntsia hlau vim yog nquag disassembly.

Raws li qhia hauv qab no:

Point Tail Dies Factory

(3) Screws: Nws kuj yog ib hom fastener muaj li ntawm ob ntu: lub taub hau thiab cov ntsia hlau.Nws tuaj yeem muab faib ua peb pawg raws li lub hom phiaj: steel qauv screws, teem screws thiab tshwj xeeb lub hom phiaj screws.Lub tshuab screws feem ntau yog siv rau kev sib txuas ntawm ib feem nrog lub qhov txuas ruaj khov thiab ib feem nrog lub qhov los ntawm lub qhov, tsis tas yuav tsum muaj cov txiv ntoo sib txuam (qhov kev sib txuas no yog hu ua cov ntsia hlau txuas, uas tseem yog kev sib txuas sib txuas; nws tuaj yeem ua tau. Kev koom tes nrog cov txiv ntseej, nws yog siv rau kev sib txuas ceev ntawm ob qhov chaw nrog los ntawm qhov.) Lub teeb ntsia hlau yog siv los kho qhov chaw txheeb ze ntawm ob qhov chaw.Lub hom phiaj tshwj xeeb screws, xws li qhov muag, yog siv rau hoisting qhov chaw.

Raws li qhia hauv qab no:

DIN Heading Dies

(4) Cov txiv ntseej: nrog cov xov hauv lub qhov, cov duab feem ntau yog tiaj tus hexagonal cylindrical zoo, tab sis kuj tiaj tus square cylindrical zoo lossis tiaj tus cylindrical duab, nrog bolts, studs lossis steel qauv screws, siv los txuas thiab txuas ob ntu, ua rau nws ua haujlwm. tag nrho.

Raws li qhia hauv qab no:

DIN Heading Dies Factory

(5) Self-tapping ntsia hlau: zoo ib yam li cov ntsia hlau, tab sis cov xov ntawm cov ntsia hlau yog cov xov tshwj xeeb rau tus kheej tapping ntsia hlau.Nws yog siv los fasten thiab txuas ob nyias hlau Cheebtsam kom lawv tag nrho.Qhov me me yuav tsum tau ua ua ntej ntawm cov khoom.Vim lub siab hardness ntawm no hom ntawm cov ntsia hlau, nws yuav tsum tau ncaj qha screwed rau hauv lub qhov ntawm cov tivthaiv, thiaj li hais tias daim ntawv sib txuas nrog cov xov.Daim ntawv ntawm kev sib txuas no kuj yog ib qho kev sib txuas detachable.

Raws li qhia hauv qab no:

GB Carbide Punch

(6) Ntoo ntsia hlau: Nws kuj zoo ib yam li cov ntsia hlau, tab sis cov xov ntawm cov ntsia hlau yog cov xov tshwj xeeb rau cov ntsia hlau ntoo, uas tuaj yeem ntsia tau ncaj qha rau hauv cov ntoo (los yog ib feem), siv los txuas cov hlau (lossis tsis yog. -hlau) nrog lub qhov los ntawm qhov.Cov khoom yog fastened ua ke nrog ib tug ntoo ntsiab.Qhov kev sib txuas no kuj yog ib qho kev sib txuas detachable.

Raws li qhia hauv qab no:

GB Carbide Punch Factory

Post lub sij hawm: Jun-01-2022